Say Goodbye

It seems hard to say goodbye even if it is for the best possible reason, the roads have been crossed to try and reach a resolution, but there comes a point when you just need to say goodbye. After so many years of friendship of both up and downs, why does it hurt still when we no longer talk? Seven years of friendship, and I feel as if I have lost the closest fried that I ever had. Worst part there is no point trying to reach out when there is no response, would there be a point of reason when “you” do not even want t make an effort to listen.

Would sorry, even come close to the words that you need to hear? Not per say from “my self” but from the others as well who built up walls around as well. There have been others, yet the reaction does not seem the same as it was for “us”. Friendship at one point meant through everything, when we are kids the fights did not seem to last as long, the nights without communication did not seem to hurt. For the next day at the playground the friendship started over again, but as “we” get older it seems to take more and more to rebuild the friendship.

The memories are still there, for I remember the way it used to be when nothing else seemed to matter just “friends” hanging out as a group. getting some food and then a beer or two. But now the memories are starting to fade, the jokes have no effect anymore. At times to reach down and restart, but let “us” remember that would take both of “us” not just one. Even if the friendship started over again, back to the basic.  But is it to late?I have reworded the question before. But is it ? Happy Reading, Adam

Where to start?

So where do I start being able to write about topics? Or for that matter do I have a list or a notebook of choices to choose from, or are they just ideas that are compiled going through my head? To be honest they are just a mixture of everything, a compiled mixture. Picture with me if you  will a blender, and you have a lot of different ingredients to make something really good. Well not always good per say but that is the goal right? Well that is my form of writing, meaning I have a lot of ideas and then when they are finished well you have my blog. But how can I as a amateur writer advance, how can I reach a wider audience?

Where can I learn to expand my skills as a writer, and be able to focus better and take my passion to the next level?  Where do I start doing that, or in other words what are the first steps that I need to take to reach that goal?  I want to try and develop my skill and advance it. This something that I have been praying about and I am thinking that is the direction that I need to head towards, but the question that remains is where do I go to start this venture. We know some of the struggles that I have had thus far in school, but I know that may be the direction I need to head towards. So what am I asking from you my readers? Never thought you would be asked that sort of question in my blog, well to clarify that question has not been asked in sometime. I need my “fellowship” I need a group of people to step beside me as I look into taking this next step. Could I do this on my own is it possible? Can I advance on my own yes but can I make it far?

When I think about this song I think more about the movie, Kermit had the dream to go to Hollywood and started out on his own, but he knew that he could never reach that goal on his own. But through the journey he ran into others to help him, encourage his dream, keep pushing him froward even though they knew that the risk alone would be an adventure, But then also I think of two “hobbits”  from two different backgrounds , one with no sense of adventure wanting to leave while his nephew is always ready for some sort of adventure, nothing stopped them reaching those goals. They had there own fellowship to help them with the journey. Do I have a group, do I have the people in my life anymore to help and encourage me to reach the goals? Or is it more wishful thinking and praying about needing but then not seeing any follow up? Anyway I know that one day the goals or wishes will be meet as long as I keep pressing forward. Happy Reading, Adam